I figured with Thanksgiving coming up in a few days, I'd better get to making my own list of things I'm thankful for. I'll probably be busy the next few days, so I wanted to make sure I got it done before the actual holiday. I know, I know, you may thinkg I'm another cliche blogger ranting and raving about the things they aren't grateful for till November. But seriously, some of these things are ALWAYS on my mind, and others are new this year, but here it goes:
1st and foremost:
Riley-Where would I be without this kid? Through this past year of dating him, and now being married to him, it's been a huge adventure! He's always there to make me laugh, listen to me go on and on about how I hate backtracking, people who jaywalk, and to just fulfill all my "Best Friend" requirements. Most nights when I get home from work or class, and he's at work, there's a note waiting for me on our rug. Usually it's just something simple like last week's "Hey babe, can't wait for you to get home so we can have our movie night. Love you, xoxo Riley" But it means the world to me.
-He's the absolute hardest worker I know. He goes out and works 12.5 hour days every.single.day. to help provide for our little family. It's got to be taking a lot out of him, but he never complains. He always has a smile on his face when he comes home, and is willing to spend time with me when I'm sure all he wants to do is sleep.
-He scrapes the snow/ice/frost off my car every morning, and he does ALL our dishes! He told me it'll be his job as long as I cook for him...cute. I am SO blessed to have such an amazing husband. (Still getting used to calling him that...but I'm learning) Seriously. He's my best friend, and literally my other half.
2-Our families
-My mom and dad have been incredibly supportive to me my entire life, and it continues now that I'm married and on my own. My mom still offers to go grocery shopping with me, and take me to lunch. She misses me at home, I'm sure ;) She's always there to help out and offer her advice, and she's even watching Benny for us while we get things settled at our house. I'm really grateful for her.
My dad not only helped us find our house, but also helped us finance it AND fix it up! He was there during every spare moment he had either painting, or doing some other kind job. I get random texts from him every once in awhile with Seinfeld quotes, or other funny stuff. He makes me laugh, and he's such a great all around guy. He puts everyone else's needs before his own, and does it with a smile on his face.
-My brother and sister think I've been nicer to them since I moved out. Not sure how much truth there is to that statement, but I really took for granted getting to see them every day. It's fun to go back up there every once and awhile and dip in to what they're up to.
-I'm really grateful for my in-laws, too! Wes is a genius contractor, and helped a ton with our remodeling! He's incredibly sefless and put our projects ahead of a few of his own that I'm sure he wanted to get done. Sharon is such a funny lady. She makes the craziest jokes sometimes that make everybody laugh, even though we'd never imagine them coming out of her mouth!
Also, all of our amazing friends. I don't need to name them all, they know who they are. Seriously guys, I owe all of you so much. You've always been there for me and help my life be as awesome as it is now. I think I have some of the greatest people ever as friends, and I feel SO blessed to have each and every one of you as a part of my life.
The other things aren't people, so they don't need much of an explanation...
-My job. I have THE best job ever. I get to work in a church environment every day, and I love serving the people of the church. The clients make me laugh and I'm really getting to know some of them. My co-workers are the greatest. They've all got me by like 20-45 years, but hey, they're some of the coolest people ever. I look up to their amazing examples so much.
-Our comfy DI & KSL couches. They're amazingly comfy, and REALLY cheap.
-Our yellow kitchen, complete with my rooster painting. Love it, they make me happy everytime I go in.
-My cell phone. I have it with me everywhere, so a text or call to a friend or family member is just a click or two away.
-My digital camera. I take it with me everywhere, too, so I can capture things that happen to me throughout the day. It made my wedding DVD awesome!
-My car. (See previous post) But I still love it.
-Comfy boots. I. love. shoes. Especially boots. One of the only good things about winter.
-But, I'm still grateful for the seasons. If we didn't have snow, I wouldn't appreciate summer as much. So here's hoping I don't get too depressed about the cold weather this season.
-School. I'm learning so much, and I enjoy all my professors. Even the crazy ones.
-The Office & The Amazing Race. Only two shows I watch religiously. They give me something to look forward to each week, and it helps that Riley and I share a love for them, because it brings us closer together as we discuss each episode. I know that one is pretty far fetched and lame sounding, but seriously, we love them.
-This blog. I like being able to look back at everything I've done since I'm not a great one at keeping journals. Also, I like to stalk my friends that I don't see often and be aware of what they're doing!
I'm sure I'll look over this and think of a billion other things, but those are the things that I've found myself grateful for this past little bit. I went around the house today and took pictures of our cute house, so I'll probably post those pictures later tonight or tomorrow! We hung some decorations last night, and tomorrow (hopefully) we'll be going through our wedding pictures with the photographer, so I'll share some of those, too.
Thanks for reading my incredibly long Thanksgiving post!! I hope everyone has a chance to sit down and think over the things they're grateful for.