I have to preface this post with a warning that I didn't take any pictures...My camera was MIA (actually, I accidentally managed to lose it between the couch cushions at my in-laws house...but that's neither here nor there).
Friday night we went to Riley's parents ward's family party! Phew, that was a mouthful. I was scheduled to work until 7 that night and the party started at 6. Riley had been there for awhile before I got there but luckily there was still plenty of yummy food! We watched a high school Madrigals choir sing Christmas songs for about an hour then left.
Saturday I had to work until 3 but Riley went shooting with Carter that morning/afternoon. They had a grand time shooting cans of food they found up on the range. I'm lucky to have found somebody that loves spending time with my little brother. I think Carter is pretty fond of Riley, too :)
That night we went bowling with our friends Mitch, Amanda, Dustin, and his girlfriend Heather.
Galactic bowling at Bountiful Bowl is always a good time! It reminds me of high school and all the nights we spent there, but it was a fun activity! It doesn't start until 10pm though so we had some time to kill before we went. Amanda and I stayed at our apartment and just chatted while Riley and Mitch "went for a ride in the Jeep". They both came back with huge grins on their faces. They had made a pit stop at Smith's and bought ten two liters of Mtn. Dew... They also spent a good chunk of time driving over huge snow piles in the Les Schwab parking lot. We drove past it on our way to go bowling and just saw huge tire tracks through the mountain of snow...
Bowling with Riley is always fun because he only actually tries for the first 4 frames or so. After that he just tries to either throw it as fast as he can/how many balls he can use at the same time/how far he can throw it/if he can bowl through his legs. He always provides a good amount of entertainment wherever we go.
Sunday we woke up late (we slept through Sacrament, oops!), made breakfast and watched Marley and Me. Still love that show. And yes, I STILL cry at the end EVERYTIME. We went up to my parents house for dinner then back down to his parents house to watch the Amazing Race! I can't believe next week is the last episode of this season. We're all addicted to that show...still...
Hopefully tonight we'll be able to go find a Christmas tree! We strung some lights around our back patio door and I hung up a wreath, but it's not quite the same without a tree. I promise I'll be better at taking pictures, since no one likes to read a huge chunky post without anything to look at...